Le son d'anglais...Qu'est-ce que vous pensez?
2008-09-19 17:42:51 UTC
Salut à tous,
Je suis américain, alors, quand j'ai commencé d'apprendre le français un ans dernier, j'ai cru qu'il été magnifique! Le son du français contre le son d'anglais est très différent, mais bon.
Alors, qu'est-ce que vous pensez du son d'anglais? C'est bien, ça fait mal, etc.
Merci d'avance, et désolé pour mon français s'il y a des fautes :)
Quatre réponses:
Just me
2008-09-19 17:52:30 UTC
I speak both French and English (I'm French) and I enjoy speaking English better. Its vacabulary is richer and it sounds smoother to me. However here in the US people absolutely love hearing me speak French or hearing my accent. I don't quite get it but...It got me out of trouble a few times, a few years back! lol

Your French is great!
2008-09-19 20:04:22 UTC
J'aime le son anglais facon CNN (neutre) ou la BBC (classe), mais il y a beaucoup d'accents differents... le pire doit etre le son australien qui fait 'low class', comme l'accent du Texas... J'adore l'accent irlandais.
joue l'autre
2008-09-19 18:12:16 UTC
Most of frenchpeople feel hurted by German, but I think it's because of the numerous war movies, with military German instead of German opera.

Hard to learn and understand for latin people,

i now find brittish English sounds good, better than texan.

But I prefer Spanish or Italian that are naturrally "singing"

I was wondering if french doesn't sound monotonefor them ?

Bon courage pour le Français.
Julien Ba.
2008-09-19 18:01:47 UTC
it's quite strange, but i think other languages always look like sounding better to your ears than your mother language...i live now in berlin, and i love so much to listen to the american accent, it has something incredible, i guess it's what we see and listen in movies in real, that's why it makes such an effect. according to the opinion of foreigners, french is a very beautiful language, but i was very surprised (i'm french) to discover how it is an aggressive language. i was talking with german people about how i thought that their language was aggressive, and they stopped me to tell me how my one can be repulsive, because of the "r" and so words as "propriétaire".

so for me, english = great, even if the fact that everyone speaks it more or less makes the nuances disappear, and the same words being used...

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